Jun 30, 2011

Google health shuts down and the FDA approves a device in 30 days

Google Health is apparently shutting down, too soon, we're just getting ramped up in fact.  Although they didn't seem to embrace the key to making their system widespread and more popular, user input, not just physician input, the two would be easy to separate.  The aps are already out there, they just need to be linked to health records, blood pressure, workout data, smoking, drinking, drugs, diet, etc.  The whole state of California would love to upload their workout history to their health record, with the user invested in their health record, the health record becomes more useful and valuable.  Someone will put this together and it will be awesome.

Anyway, enough on that, I did say that I had something good to say about the FDA a post or so ago, from Mass Device: "The system was submitted for Food & Drug Administration 510(k) review in mid-May and is available for sale in the U.S. just one month later."  They managed a 30 day 510(k) review, which is probably nothing impressive for a blood pressure device, but it is on the iPhone which is probably somewhat more difficult to show that it wouldn't be corrupted, do you apply for the Ap from Apple or for approval from the FDA first?  So, good work.

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